Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Happens When I Get A Cold Sore ?

Cold Sores last 7-12 days and go through 5 Stages:
cold Sores
Stage 1:  The Tingling stage       (day 1)
Stage 2:  The Blister stage         (day 2-3)

Stage 3:  The Weeping Stage    (day 4-6)
Stage 4:  The Scabbing Stage    (day 7-9)

Stage 5:  The Healing Stage       (day 10-12)

Are Cold Sores Common ?


Between 80-90% of the population of the United States is infected with the herpes virus.  This is 240,000,000 people!

Of the 240 million people approximately 30% (80 million people) get cold sores frequently.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Is a cold sore herpes ?

The short answer is yes.

Herpes Labialis (aka cold sore on your lip) is a cutaneous (skin) eruption of the latent herpes simplex virus living in the trigeminal nerve ganglion.

Basically this nasty virus has taken up residence in the nerve that supplies sensation to your cheeks, lips, and gums. When you get run down, have a lot of sun exposure or are under stress your bodies defenses will not work as well. This will allow this virus to "wake up" and give you the characteristic blister known as a cold sore.
what is a cold Sores

What is herpes
What are herpes
fever blisters